Meet WILD Gourmet Hygrophorus Milky MUSHROOM (video lesson)

I am excited for you to join me in the enchanted wild fungal realm where you will learn to ID & harvest Hygrophorus milky, a wild choice mushroom, scientifically called Lactifluus (Lactarius) hygrophoroides of the Russulaceae family.  Yes, we can eat this gourmet treasure, but you must key it out with 100% accuracy! 

You’ll find this gem growing singly or gregariously in association with oaks+ (mycorrhizal) in woods or woodland edges. I find it growing in the moss around our sleeping tent which is tucked into the edge of an oak and hickory forest.

Key Identifying Features:

Cap: color is dull orange-orangish brown; texture finely velvety; 1-4 inches wide.

Gills: widely spaced, cream to white colored, descending the stalk. Note: when the gills are cut an odorless, mild tasting white latex (fluid) flows abundantly. This latex doesn’t change color or stain the mushroom.

Stem: 1–2 inches tall; resembles cap color; solid and white inside.

Spore print: white

Range and timing: appears in summer from the Great Plains to Texas and northeastern North America.

MUSHROOM SERIOUSNESS: A mushroom mistake can be fatal. Please triple confirm your ID, ideally with an experienced mushroomer in person, before consuming any wild fungi.

Having heralded that warning, what mushrooms have you been finding lately?

Grateful to the fungi!

🌱Wild Food Health Boosters & Herbal Remedies🌿 

I’m inviting all Wild Food Health Boosters students to my first ever live online Questions & Answers session. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020 @ 1-2:15 PM EST - Join the course and Save This Date


I’ll be answering your questions about the topics covered in Wild Food Health Boosters & Herbal Remedies to help you get the most out of this powerful course.

All Wild Food Health Boosters & Herbal Remedies students are invited (I’ll email you the Zoom details on August 15th).

In Wild Food Health Boosters & Herbal Remedies I show you how to enhance your immune system and increase your overall health and wellbeing using plants that are easily available to you: Dandelion and Field Garlic.